Read this post on Fierce Freethinking Fatties and see if the statistics tie your brain in knots like they did mine!
This was my response to the post:
Those statistics make my head spin, but I get the jist of what you're saying! My personal opinion is that McDonald's sucks because its corporate and evil. Like other big corporations (and like the Die-t industry) they do not give a flying shit in a hurricane about anyone's health. But to demonize anyone who may be extremely busy for trying to get food--any food--into their and their family's mouths, is wrong. The convenience of McPukeburger can be a siren song when you just don't have time. I'm not denying that the crap tastes good, but a homemade hamburger patty is better and then you can have two of them!
I was one of those overworked, underpaid single fat moms that often ended up getting Burger King (my son couldn't abide McDonald's) on the way home from whatever low-paying job I was currently working at the time. As my son got older I learned about the crock pot and casseroles and such.
I would never demonize anyone who's trying. And by the way, I like those frozen vegetables--including the ones with sauce!
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